Monday, March 23, 2009

Paddy's Day around the world

St Paddy's in Bali. by Stephen
St Patricks Day celebrations in Abu Dhabi. by Killian

St Patrick's Day Credit Crunch Punch Party. French Alps by Anne Marie

Auckland. By Fiona

I have sent this picture of the kebab in lieu of a Paddy's day picture because this kebab meant that I spent my Paddy's day curled up in a ball on my couch watching Oprah instead of going to any parades (it may have been the Asda own-brand gin and cans of Murphy's I drank all weekend that made me ill, but I'm pretty sure it was this kebab....). By Aoife

Auckland 17/3/2009. This little fella even managed to break a camain on the big day. by Derek

Clonakilty. By Shane
Nottingham. By Shane Mc

And of course I celebrated the St.Patricks Day in Regensburg. By Matthias

Not your usual paddy's day picture but you encouraged drunken pics and thought this might be apt. Being nice Irish lads we introduced our Kurdish housemate Chektar to buckfast. He cant handle his booze at the best of times and halfway in he decided to draw all over our walls to celebrate our national holiday.....with kurdish republican slogans! Needless to say our landlord wasnt too happy and Chektar is "never drinking that sweet shit again" . by Darragh

Unfortunately the "Brazen Head" bar in Stellenbosch had double booked La Feile Padraig with some sort of "Ivory Coast Independance Day" themed party, resulting in tragically bungled facepainting displays. by Padhraic


  1. Hahahaaaaa Aoife! Thats what you get for eatting lambs eyes and testicles!

  2. I didn't eat it. I couldn't. And I seriously doubt it was lamb either. Testicles or otherwise! I think it was pony meat or something.

  3. Did anybody else waste 25mins at work today online trying to find punchlines to Kurdish jokes to tag to Darragh's pic? If so please get in touch. I found absolutely nothing of note except plenty anti-Turk comments.

  4. Well except of course the classic two:
    Q: what has green jacket a red shirt & black pants...
    A: - No, its not a kurd its a watermelon


    Guy: Do you like bananas?
    Kurd: Banana is delicious, but it has a very big seed.

    But we've heard them all before. They never grow old though...

  5. "A Kurd asked the hand of a girl, the father asked him: Do you smoke? He said: No, but sometimes when I get drunk with a couple of whores I smoke a little weed."

  6. And of course who can forget the classic:

    A fellow came up to a stream of water during a walk. He asked a Kurd sitting nearby whether the stream was too deep. The Kurd said “No, go right ahead”. The man wades into the water and finds it too deep. He comes back to the Kurd to reproach him. The Kurd replied: “Funny, just a short while ago I saw a duck with very short legs crossing it”.

  7. Ha ha! The duck was obviously WADING! Those Kurds!

  8. Kurds and peter pan have a lot in common........ both live in the land of nowhere.....


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