Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lets begin

First of all welcome. I can't believe how much interest people have shown towards this. It started off as a notion in my head and all of a sudden it has grown way bigger than I ever imagined. People's enthusiasm is great and I think that is what will make this brilliant. So stick with it!

I was trying to decide which theme we would start with and realised that many people involved do not know each other. So with that in mind I think the first theme should be "Self Portrait". This will be a good way for everyone to introduce themselves. Go mad, experiment with new ideas but also remember why we are doing this. It is a worldwide project so maybe you could make your self portrait hint at where you are in the world. That's only an idea, it's up to you.

So for the lazy people involved here's an easy start. You don't even have to venture outside you're front door.

"Self Portrait"




  1. I've a harddrive full of photos including countless self-depricating self-portraits spanning several years. Can we all agree that nothing will be dug up and all pics must be newly taken?

  2. Padhraic, none of those hundreds of pictures you took of yourself with that moustache are allowed!

  3. Yes, and none of you looking in the mirror with a hangover and a moustanche either.


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